
How Google changed business strategy with an update – Money Times

Google is getting smarter about how it finds and crawls websites. (Image: REUTERS/Andrew Kelly)

It is no news that the population’s behavior with the internet is constantly evolving. In the digital marketing professionals and, being even more specific, for those who work with motion, these changes result in frequent changes of it Google.

But we can see some trends and insights into how to guide our actions, according to a study released by Semrush: o Search Status 2023. Check what it is.

Fewer new sites or domains are ranking

Simply put, ranking sectors is getting harder and harder. Google is getting smarter about how it finds and crawls websites. And this leads to paying more attention to the signs of experience. More websites are up and running, but fewer are ranking on Google.

The important thing is to keep your website well optimized or focus on improving it. The main tip is to not fail to deliver a good experience because Google updates will continue to happen as user behavior changes.

18% of users choose to access websites through search results

When you access a website, do you type in the URL or do you Google the result? In 2022, one in five people preferred the second option.


This shows that although direct traffic is strong, new users access the platforms through internet searches and after a good experience, they access the website again with the URL. So, again, I emphasize the need to deliver a good website to its user.

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Information searches account for more than half of Google searches

In terms of user search intent, 56.6% of people used Google to search for information by entering what we call informational keywords.

Therefore, it is important that your website provides the information that specialized users are looking for, whether through text, video or images. Another feature is that transactional searches are increasing a lot and this is linked to Google providing more and more product pages in the search results.

Mobile searches generate more clicks than desktop searches

Looking at user clicks on the results presented by the pages, the top three positions account for about 40% of visits on both desktop and mobile.


It’s worth noting that mobile devices attracted more clicks than desktop. So it’s important that websites are optimized for mobile as well, but let’s face it, this is nothing new and I hope we’re past that stage. Optimize your projects for mobile devices.

Here are some highlights of the study:

The number of updates has decreased, as has the impact of volatility

In 2022, Google confirmed ten updates to its platform, a number slightly lower than in 2021. However, the impact of these updates was less than in recent years. This may have happened mainly because of the way Google varied the release of these updates.

Already in 2023, the March update had a big impact for the platform, which shows that the behavior of 2022 may not be a trend for the next few years.


Despite so many updates, always remember to follow and understand your user. Know your customer, your personality, your target audience well. Google publishes updates with the goal of directing websites to better serve its user. After all, the better the websites Google serves, the better the Google user experience will be. Correctly? So focus on your user and of course provide a good experience for everyone.

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