
Game Informer reveals details of Trip. Sonic Superstars’ New Enemy – PSX Brasil

Sonic Superstars


Game Informer, as part of its exclusive coverage Sonic Superstarsrevealed details about the new enemy Trip.

Sonic Superstars sees the return of dr. Eggman, as well as Fang the Hunter (formerly known as Nack the Weasel and Fang the Sniper) from Sonic triple trouble m Sonic the Fighters, but they are not alone. They are joined by Trip, a new character introduced to the Sonic universe through this game.

“When we think of the three enemy characters in the game, we have Dr. Eggman, we have Fang, and we have Trip,” said Sonic Team creative director Takashi Iizuka. “Eggman is always present in the Sonic games as a villain and he’s always there causing trouble. But we really wanted to revive one of the oldest and most minor characters in the Classic series. Then the idea was born to bring the Fang back into the picture. So we have Eggman, who’s always there, then Fang, who’s back after a long time, but we also wanted to introduce a new character to go along with, like, the old and the new, in addition to the ever-present Eggman.”

Sonic Superstars

Trip joins the enemy roster as a joint creation between Iizuka and Arzest president and Sonic co-creator Naoto Ohshima, who oversaw much of Sonic’s development. Sonic Superstars. “When we were talking with Ohshima-san about making a new game together, we wanted to have a new story,” says Iizuka. “So we thought, what story can we have? Which characters will be there? And how will all this be done? As we were talking about it, we really felt like we needed a new character for the story – we wanted to introduce a new character. And we don’t just want to have a character with no background, nothing going on, who’s just going to show up in the world. We really want to show a character with some kind of unique traits, some character background, some storytelling elements that will make the character unique and stand out and be a character that people can relate to and empathize with and enjoy as one. in the world, not just because they are there, but because they mean something to the world.”

“In the past, when we had new enemies, we always had very strong and powerful enemies,” says Iizuka. “We have infinity [de Sonic Forces]. There are tons of guys like that, boom, they’re in your face like an enemy and you know right away they’re pretty strong. He is a formidable foe and, “oh no! How shall I deal with this enemy?’ This is how the enemies were presented in the past and we wanted to do something different.”

The resulting character is Trip, Ohshima’s first creation for the Sonic franchise in decades. Ohshima is best known as the creator of the original designs for Sonic the Hedgehog and Dr. Eggman. However, he left SEGA and Sonic Team after his work Sonic Adventure in 1999. Ohshima worked closely with Iizuka to come up with ideas for the new character. “We were sending visuals back and forth and had a constant dialogue about what the personality should look like,” Ohshima says. “I came up with ideas for the actions and themes of the character, such as an armored lizard and the ouroboros. I worked on the design while discussing ideas with Iizuka-san.”

“When you look at her, she’s obviously covered in armor, and the reason she’s covered in armor in the game is because her character base is a sungazer lizard in English,” says Iizuka. “In Japanese, it’s more direct – it’s literally ‘armored lizard’ in Japanese. But the sungazer is that animal that was mentioned for Trip’s plan.’

“The team wanted to show that Trip isn’t your usual enemy, and we wanted to present her in a way that wasn’t the obvious ‘oh I’m really strong’ way,” says Iizuka. “When we introduced Trip in the beginning, I think she falls flat in the first scene where you see her. The first thing I think people will think is, “who is she and why is she such a powerful enemy?” What happens?’. We wanted to present the character in this way to make him different from how enemies have always been presented in Sonic games.”

And Shadow?

Game Informer asked about the possibility of Shadow appearing. “Shadow is from the modern line of characters and gameplay we’re introducing,” says Iizuka. “The Classic series predates the Modern series, so they didn’t meet then. There’s no connection, so we won’t be bringing the Shadow to the Classic line.”

“Unfortunately, Shadow was in a capsule at the time,” Iizuka continues with a laugh.

Sonic Superstars will be released this Brazilian Spring 2023 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Switch and PC.

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