Brands must be prepared to exist in the tubercular world, which unites physical, digital and social

People, organizations, businesses, governments and markets are undergoing transformations from 2020. And marketing would not be immune to changes in the current scenario, which signals the need to plan and execute communication in a completely different way. To think about this, comes the 2023 edition of Agenda Bahia, on August 11, with the theme “Connected”, discussing the topic in the keynote lecture “The plant world and the marketing of the future”.
In order to understand the concept of marketing of the future, it is necessary to expand the vision of what is expected of this tool today. The first step is to consider marketing as more than brand exposure. Then understand that all businesses are now in the “plant” realm, that is, there is no longer a separation between the physical and the digital, and everything includes the social. It is in this new world that communities [re]they design products, services, businesses, and even organizations.
The mission of future marketing is to create connections that create meaning to create communities, in which a brand becomes a producer, curator and recipient of content. We must remember that links will only be legitimized when they come from a real purpose and have value for everyone. Every marketing business of the future must solve problems and improve people’s lives. To aid the effort, in addition to human intelligence, which will be increasingly valued, there is also technology, which must be used to harness the results, including artificial intelligence and the metaverse.
“We are going through a moment of rupture from the theory of the industrial revolution to the age of innovation and knowledge, the age of marketing of the future, and it brings a new method called AEIOU (Environment, Strategy, Interactions, Operations and Integration). It is a new way of marketing, which incorporates new and different concepts, including communities and network effects”, explains Rosário de Pompéia, founding partner and Director of Operations at Le Fil Comunicação.
He wrote “A Manifesto for the Marketing of the Future” in collaboration with Silvio Meira, Chief Scientist at & Extraordinary Professor, Together they will give the lecture “The phygital world and the marketing of the future” at Agenda Bahia.

Organizations need to align future marketing in business planning
Many organizations are asking: How to build the new marketing and keep it aligned with the future of the business, creating productivity, brand reputation, performance, profitability and innovation? Experts say that the marketing strategy must integrate the business model, that is, start and continue to develop with it. Marketing must be part of all stages of the business, from conception, and considered in the context of the new knowledge economy, looking at strategies, planning, operations, technology and innovation.
What do brands like AirBnb, Uber, Netflix and Nike have in common? They are examples of the new physical platforms, which introduced an unprecedented competitive logic to the markets, created their ecosystems based on simultaneous cooperation, interaction, connecting consumers, suppliers, complementors and intermediaries. In these business models, marketing has acquired flow and is being redesigned according to the scenarios. What leads to this is the tool called feedback, which, thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, creates customization of the experience for the customer, even increasing the importance of the good old recommendation, only now in the concept of the network effect.
“Brands should be aware of this new methodology and have people trained to use it, taking into account various factors, from understanding business to learning to use artificial intelligence,” says Rosário Pompéia.
You’ll need to know people to make the equipment work, providing humanized communication experiences from discovering, creating, articulating and satisfying customer needs. For this, it will be important to capture aspirations, create value, study behaviors and new habits, in addition to being able to assess whether products and services serve the community or need redesign.
A Manifesto for the Marketing of the Future…
– Digital and social are not, never have been, channels.
– The future is happening online
– Marketing in the future is from, to and across platforms.
– The marketing of the future has a purpose.
– Marketing strategy and strategic marketing are an essential part of business strategy.
– The marketing of the future is redesigning the architecture of the business.
– The marketing of the future changes the organization of the business.
– The marketing of the future is done in time [quase] real.
– AEIOU: future marketing actions are orchestrated across all aspects of the business.
– The marketing of the future requires competent people.
Agenda Bahia completes 14 editions
Technology, games, African entrepreneurship and the creative economy will be the focus of lectures, panels and talks at the 14th edition of Agenda Bahia, an annual event organized by Jornal CORREIO, aimed at discussing innovation, interpersonal relationships and sustainability. With a central theme of “Connected”, the meeting will take place on August 11, from 08:00 to 19:45, at SENAI CIMATEC, in the Piatã neighborhood. Free registration can be done through the website:, a platform that will also broadcast the event live.
Agenda Bahia 2023 is organized by CORREIO, sponsored by Unipar, with institutional support from FIEB and Sebrae, supported by Wilson Sons, Salvador Bahia Airport, Suzano and 4events, in collaboration with Braskem and Rede+.
*By Márcia Luz for Estúdio Correio.
#Brands #prepared #exist #tubercular #world #unites #physical #digital #social