
We are witnessing the “infancy of the consumer”, defends Pedro Bidarra

ECO Lunch - 18 JULY 23“I’m seeing a lot of communication that’s aimed at a kind of happiness on Instagram, happiness ads on Instagram, where it looks like people are living in another world”, defends Pedro Bindara. Ads are “very imitation“, “everything is pretending that everything is fine,” says the consultant now, who also pointed out as “imitation“the ‘where we all save the world’ sustainability announcements.”The functional values ​​of advertising have been abandoned“, write down.

The statements were made during a conversation at Terraço ECO, where marketing and advertising were discussed. Among many people associated with brands, advertising and communication, the consultant who “retired” from advertising in 2010 was Main speaker.

For creatives, the 90s were the years of optimism, “when we thought it was going to be country.” And this “enormous” level of optimism was reflected “in what was done, in communication, in what was allowed to be done, in the risks that were taken – because in an age of optimism, failure is not a problem.”

Then, “the pendulum swung from selling to buying,” Bidarra explained, with marketing managers — who coordinated a range of activities and it was normal for them to become CEOs — no longer had the same power and influence, they believe. One of the causes was also the fact that clients started hiring “communications specialists” – “a horrible thing” – to talk to agencies.

I’m not homesick, but shopping really took over“, said Pedro Bidarra, indicating that the market perspective has become that of the cheapest. “Back in the days of the fat cows it was easier and there were fewer calculations.“, he recalls.

Regarding ChatGPT, he considers it only works “to please”, sometimes presenting “wrong stuff but it looks good”. Still, “there are things that work,” Bidarra said, adding that he uses this tool “a level above Google, for research. “It all depends on update to put there,” he summarizes.

As for the question of whether these AI platforms can help customers do better updates better, Bidarra replied that he always had clients who made “great” updates. “It’s about knowing what they want. It’s not that hard when you know what you want,” said the author, adding that “Writing a brief is narrowing it down, then what creative does is narrowing it down“.

Pedro Bidarra also believes that at the moment there is a “consumer infancy on “all levels”, be it series, movies or even wines. The President of the Republic is the one who speaks more childishly to the population:it’s like being in kindergarten and explaining B, A, BA to each other while eating ice cream.”

The former creative director of BBDO also believes that today it is easier to “fool” through advertising, since there is not so much space for writing, and that one works mainly through images and icons.

For the past 10 years, Pedro Bidarra and partner João Wengorovius (Wengorovius & Bidarra consultant) have been operating thanks to a generation that “didn’t see a future in it,” he also says.

There was a whole generation that started to not see much future in it and left encodersFor start-ups m Therefore, a certain “spiritual gravity”, knowledge and seriousness has been lost in this businessand that’s why João and I have some success,” he said.

Now, and generally speaking, “there are people who are very incapable, mentally, when it comes to training,” continued Pedro Bidarra. “The one who was right in the middle of it all was Vicente Jorge Silva: he is a generationbad action“, he characterizes, expanding the opinion on political climate.

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