
Plaforma Milei: Far-right leader presents ‘chainsaw plan’ to end State | Handbook of Dangerous National “Reorganization”

“We did it in the 19th century, why can’t we do it now?” asked Javier Millay during the exhibition in which he presented La Libertad Avanza’s long-delayed government platform. He did so in a warlike tone and far from the harshness that characterizes this local reporter of his ideas and ways alternatively right.

“El león”, who coined a slogan for the campaign with the disturbing choice of the word “solution” (“Milei, the only solution”) just included a few lines out of his notes: “Argentina has a prosperous future, which will only be possible if Argentina is liberal,” he said.

With the flag behind and accompanied by the denier Victoria Villarruel, at a table of coffees for the handful of references from his area that accompanied him, the paternal soul of La Libertad… quickly read the proposals of his dangerous national “rearrangement”.

Topics ranged from foreign policy (“Argentina, partner of the world’s dictatorships, finished”) to economic proposals nicknamed “chainsaw design”, referring to a it is cut with all the speed of the state, which will include, among other things, the abolition of public works. pricing of the entire education, health and social welfare system; privatization of public enterprises.

He proposed the abolition of the Ministries of Health, Education and Social Development, whose functions would be absorbed into a single body, which an anarcho-capitalist like himself could call nothing but the “ministry of human resource“. This would bring together all policies aimed at those “in need of assistance from the state”, for a Limited time period given the fact that in an ultra-liberal government the lesson is the complete elimination of any kind of aid. “It is not indisputable that in private systems citizens are better served,” he read without further explanation or figures to support these (or any of his) statements, in his battle to win common sense in favor of the unfettered free market . and uncomplicated.

After years of advising young people that the exit “it’s Ezeiza,” In 2021 Milei decided to get closer to (institutional) politics, a world she hates… But she did it because entering the party arena is the only thing that would allow her, as she has said, “Strengthen the system from within” in a country, in his eyes, “tainted by socialism”.

Since then Milei has been giving it “Cultural battle against the state” with propositions that in economic matters are based on his interpretations of the Austrian School. He has propagated a plan to shrink the state (“dynamiting” the Central Bank, immediate release of reserves, elimination of withholdings on export and import duties). It is therefore not surprising that these were the pillars of the economic platform he presented this Wednesday. Some of the items listed were cut spending by 15 points of GDP, “eliminate 90 percent of taxes,” labor “modernization” (reform).

He also encourages a total trade opening “the Chilean way”, “so that our companies can be competitive and so that Argentines can buy products anywhere in the world without asking permission from a bureaucrat”. He assures that eliminating the Central will end “inflation forever” and Argentines “will be able to trade in their preferred currency.”

On “childhood and family”, he listed measures including: nutrition plans, parent education on early cognitive stimulation, measures to promote access to private credit (for example, to complete studies). It proposes that the state “stop providing direct aid” and “eliminate the intermediaries of social programs”, which it would do through “a SUBE type system”.

According to Milei “the subsidy model of the offering (so-called free education) did not work” and the majority of Argentines want to leave the public system”, when all indicators say the exact opposite. He promised greater degrees of “freedom in the choice of content, methods and teachers”. This model is known as a voucher system.

It was during the section on security and justice that his tone became tense. He stressed that “security in Argentina has been deteriorating for decades, for two reasons: abolitionist culture which regards criminals as victims; and the saffronism. This (and not the recent history of this institution), seems to be the reason for the discrediting of the forces, for which they “lost their essential function: suppression of crime, to protect the liberty, life and property of individuals..

The new security doctrine in a libertarian-led government will be based on the premise, more biblical than legal, that “who pays”.

After avoiding the technical issues that were constant during the minutes the reading lasted, Milei called on her supporters to go to the polls to return to a political and economic model of the 1800s.: Alberdi’s ideas “in defense of life, liberty, and property.” There was no more. Without even his characteristic “Long live freedom, dammit,” not a roar that adds to the mystery, and after a few seconds of silence (for those accompanying him were slow to realize that the reading was over), the broadcast came to an end.

The lion put down his notes and grabbed his cell phone. That was all: The ultra-liberal government plan of La Libertad Avanza had someone to recite it, but this time with a hair-raising performance.

#Plaforma #Milei #Farright #leader #presents #chainsaw #plan #State #Handbook #Dangerous #National #Reorganization

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